Laser Treatments
Discover more about how various types of laser treatments can slow the aging process
Sciton BBL
Remove unwanted dark and red spots from sun exposure on the face, chest and arms using BBL™ BroadBand Light technology. Recent evidence suggests yearly treatments with intense pulsed light turn off the genes associated with aging.
The Sciton BBL versatile laser treatment uses a system of swappable Smart Filters to treat a variety of conditions like acne, age spots, angiomas, and rosacea. It can also perform hair removal and boost collagen production.
Fraxel Dual Laser
Treat a variety of skin concerns with this laser treatment from our aestheticians
The “gold standard” for minimally invasive rejuvenation of the skin. In use since 2007, Fraxel treatments withstand the test of time and serve as an excellent starting point for those interested in laser rejuvenation.
Fraxel Repair
This ablative fractionated laser skin treatment is proven to reduce the look of age spots, wrinkles and fine lines, acne scars, sun damage and actinic keratosis (pre-cancerous rough, scaly patches on the skin).
Fraxel Restore
This non-ablative fractionated laser stimulates collagen growth in the skin without injuring the skin’s surface, and is effective at treating fine lines, melasma, acne and surgical scars, stretch marks, enlarged pores and mottled pigmentation.
Profractional Laser Resurfacing
Fractionated ablative technology safely delivers results comparable to fully ablative laser resurfacing with less downtime. It’s ideal for patients needing a stronger laser treatment for rejuvenation with quick recovery time and can be combined with IPL and Microlaser peel treatments.
Vascular Laser
A vascular laser treatment removes broken blood vessels from the face and “cherry” angiomas from the face and body.
MicroLaser Peel
Peel away the outer layers of skin to reveal a new and less sun damaged you. Depending on the desired depth and downtime, this can be as simple as a 10-micron “Arctic” peel, all the way up to 50 microns of rejuvenation.
Center for Dermatology and Plastic Surgury
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