What is Botox?
Botox is the FDA-approved brand name for Botulinum Toxin (type A). It is an injection that works by blocking the nerve signals that allow muscles to contract. The result is a smoother more relaxed surface of the skin in the areas where muscle activity causes wrinkles. The most common areas of treatment are between the brows, the crows-feet region on the sides of the eyes, and horizontal forehead creases.
Reduction in glabellar lines between eyebrows and forehead lines in simulated Botox before / after
What can I expect from Botox?
The injections are relatively painless. Additionally, a plastic surgeon who is board certified has specific training in the musculature of the face and can use Botox injections to create subtle changes that reveal a smoother, less tired-looking appearance.
Muscles that create the “11” lines in the glabella
How long will Botox last?
Once Botox has been injected, it will take several days to take effect. Depending on your body’s ability to break down the product, the effects of the injections generally last 3-4 months.
Is there anything else I should know?
Certain creases in the face that are caused by the depression of soft tissue, such as the folds that can extend from the nose to the corners of the mouth, are usually better treated with fillers or a fat transfer.
Center for Dermatology and Plastic Surgury
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