Breast Lift
40 year old Female | Bilateral Breast Augmentation with Mentor smooth round M+ 375cc and Mastopexy.
Courtesy of Clay Forsberg, MD
Breast augmentation is a procedure in which breast size is increased using silicone or saline breast implants. It is also referred to as augmentation mammoplasty, breast enhancement surgery, or breast enlargement surgery.
A breast lift is accomplished by removing excess skin from around the nipple and/or the lower aspect of the breast. Consequently the nipple is elevated to a more youthful position, and the areola is typically reduced in size. The amount of skin that needs to be removed depends on the degree of droopiness.
39 year old Female | Breast Augmentation with 325cc implants and Mastopexy.
Courtesy of Clay Forsberg, MD
Breast augmentation is the most common cosmetic surgical procedure performed in the United States and has a very high rate of patient satisfaction. Dr. Clay Forsberg and Dr. David Kelly are both certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and are highly experienced in breast augmentation surgery.
A breast lift is a very common operation that helps improve the shape, projection, and appearance of the breast. It improves self confidence in many women, helping them feel better about the way they look both in and out of clothing.
40 year old Female | Breast Augmentation with Mastopexy
Courtesy of Clay Forsberg, MD
This patient receiveed 425cc moderate plus profile smooth round silicone gel implant on the right and 450cc moderate plus profile smooth round silicone implant on the left.
A breast augmentation increases the volume of the breast while a breast lift elevates the nipple and areola to a more youthful position on the breast and tightens loose skin. While a breast implant will help fill loose and deflated skin on the breast, it will not correct a breast with significant droopiness on its own. A good rule of thumb is that if the nipple lies below the level of the lower breast fold, a breast lift will be needed – with or without implants – to provide an optimal result.
48 year old Female | Breast Augmentation with Vertical Mastopexy
Courtesy of Clay Forsberg, MD
This patient received a smooth round silicone moderate plus 400cc implant on the left side and 375cc implant on the right side.
Each patient is unique – unique in what they want to achieve and unique in what the anatomy of their breasts will allow breast augmentation to achieve. It is not a one size fits all “cookie cutter” procedure that can be shaped for on line. Dr. Clay Forsberg and Dr. David Kelly are both certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and are highly experienced in breast augmentation surgery.
Mastopexy is a procedure where the breast is reshaped to provide a more youthful appearance. A breast lift improves droopy or saggy breasts in 4 primary ways:
The excess loose skin of the breast is reduced
The breast tissue itself is reshaped, becoming firmer and more youthful
The nipple is elevated to the center of the breast mound
The size of the areola (pigmented skin around the nipple) is also reduced
Center for Dermatology and Plastic Surgury
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